
Showing posts from April 17, 2021

Day Fifty-Seven to Fifty-Eight

Treasure hunts.  This is what my life has become and for the most part I don't mind them.  Every day I wake up and wonder if today is the day that I find the treasure or if it is just something that eludes me. I get to go on these hunts with five amazing treasure hunters as well as three treasure dogs.   The first is big and tries to be so brave.  He hunts alone but at night needs the lights on and something to distract him.  He wants to be so much like his dad.  He wants to share random things (videos, stories, experiments) that he learns or finds with others but mostly his dad.  I watched him bravely say "If you don't have hair, I don't need it either.  Lets shave it."  It wasn't necessary, but a loving gesture to show in his way how much he cared.  I know he is scared but tries not to show it. The second is sensitive and bright.  She wants to run into the hunt even if she doesn't have her lava shoes (Yes, they are real and yes you need them to make it a