
Showing posts from March 6, 2021

Day Sixteen

 Today has felt mostly like a normal day. We had company, Got some things done around the house. Ryan took a nap and has felt terrible, but that is becoming part of the normal as well. We have been trying to look more to the future, wanting to make some plans and live our life. Yellowstone, the beach, road trips just to start. We just need to make it through our first round of Chemo and Radiation. We can do that. I have been reflecting on other struggles we have had, times in our marriage that we felt like we maybe couldn't make it. Times we thought we couldn't handle more and yet we did. Times we didn't have a place to call home, or we couldn't pay our bills, or we didn't feel like we had friends or family we could turn to, fertility struggles, miscarriages, etc. Life can be so hard and then in a blink of an eye it can change. We will trudge through the hard days and get to the better ones.  I am having a hard time knowing what to write today, the kids are staying