
Showing posts from March 14, 2021

Day Twenty-Four

 This will be a short post, my brain is feeling overused for this day.  We drove back from St. George today, roads were much better and we made great time, so that was nice. I didn't sleep well and I can feel the stress and exhaustion catching up with me. We were able to get our kids home safely and get unpacked and settled. Ryan went to bed almost instantly and I began going through paperwork.. so much paperwork. Ryan cannot work and I am seeing bills coming in and I am trying to get all the help possible so this doesn't bury us. We have had so much help and I cannot begin to express my gratitude enough, however we have a long way to go.  Its hard for me to accept help, it has been that way for as long as i can remember. I can give all day and feel great but receiving isn't easy for me.  I know I need help, but Its so hard. Every time I get a card, a meal, money, treats, gift cards or whatever I feel like I need to give something back. Pay them back some how. Its like in t

Day Twenty-three

Waking up four hours later, we needed to run to the store (I cannot believe I forgot HAIRSPRAY). Ryan was so tired, I took the girls and got them breakfast and went to get what I forgot 🤯. Unfortunately the snow also reached St. George, so it's super cold but it didn't stick for too long.  We came back to our room and worked on getting the girls ready for Competition, hair, makeup and costumes! The girls love it. Performances and getting all gussied up 💜, I do too who am I kidding lol.  We made it to desert hills high school by 10:05am and headed to get them with their teams and Ryan and I took our seats. It was so fun and the girls did great! I was so happy Ryan came, we both were. Following that we met up with our niece and her husband for lunch. It was so great to be with them and the food was yummy (Ryan ate more than he has since surgery, it was good to see! His tastes seem to have changed... I didn't expect that one). We then went swimming while Ryan slept. Followin

Day Twenty-two

Well I did a thing.. Our two oldest daughters are in competition dance, and they have a competition in St. George tomorrow, usually I just go with the girls and we make it a girls weekend. However I wanted to give Ryan the opportunity to watch them perform so I asked him if he wanted to come with us.. Scratch that I pushed him to come (pretty hard 🙄). I don't know how many chances he has to see them compete and if we can even do dance next year. Anyway we packed up and left at about 3:00 in the afternoon we dropped off the other 3 kids to my parents so they could take them to my brother because we were told there was really bad weather and hard road conditions ahead. We gased up and started driving! We made it about 40 mins when my brother Shawn called and said that the roads were too bad for my van to handle I needed to turn back head to his place and take his suv with 4wd, safety is all that matters so I did. And bless my brothers soul for his kindness, thoughtfulness and genero