
Showing posts from March 24, 2021

Day Thirty-Four

Am I broken? My youngest is having dental work done under anesthesia right now and I'm in the waiting room. My heart is pounding and tears keep streaming down my face, I feel like I'm having flash backs to waiting for Ryan. I know that is crazy right? I might be in the early stages of a panic attack. It's hard to breathe. I didn't do a proper post on what it was like waiting for Ryan's surgery to be done. Ryan's brother Kyle waited with me, due to covid-19 I wasn't allowed more, they took Ryan at about 7 am and ushered us to the waiting room, we were told it would take 3 to 4 hours and the waiting was excruciating. I couldn't eat or drink most of the whole time we were in the hospital, I just couldn't. We waited and waited and when the time hit 4 hours every minute more felt eternal and I felt more and more panic with every one, 27 minutes later we were told he was in recovery, I cried with relief he made it through.  We were then ushered up to the I