
Showing posts from March 11, 2021

Day Twenty-One

Yesterday when I asked Ryan if he wanted to write in the blog I was stunned to hear him say YES. So he took over yesterday and I shelfed my thoughts for todays.  Yesterday I thought about how lucky I have been to have met and married this wonderful man. We have for sure had ups and downs but I wanted to put down some of the things we have implemented in our marriage that have helped us be the happiest. 1. We hold hands, in the car, while we walk, across the table, during a movie and whenever we fancy it. 2.We always say "I love you" not love ya . And frequently and always at the end of an argument/fight, before bed and before we leave each other and at the end of every call. 3.We work together. Its not a my list and his list but an OUR list, building, cleaning, child rearing, dinner, chores, painting, errands, shopping. 4. We laugh a lot. We are silly together, things get hard and we crack a joke, Ryan loves a good shock value reaction lol. Life is easier with a smile and a g