
Showing posts from March 28, 2021

Day Thirty-seven and Thirty-eight

Today I am posting a Q&A blog, Amy and I asked questions some were our own and some were from others that sent them to me. We have had a great weekend so far taking a break from chemo and radiation has been nice and visiting with some friends and family has been amazing. Tomorrow is the beginning of another week of treatment, I am dreading it and I know Ryan is as well. 21 treatments to go. Ryan's random interview by Amy: 1. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? Crocodiles 2. Is cereal soup? By definition, yes it is.   3. How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant? 6032 4. Would you rather have no nose, or no arms? I would say no nose but a man made plug so I wouldn’t have a hole in my face.  It would be bad. 5. What is your spirit animal? A sled pulling beast - huskie 6. Which sport do you think you will invent next? A racket sport, you could do solo or teams, with a net and large walls.  Have to alternate playing over the net or the wall.  Would have line