Day Thirty-seven and Thirty-eight

Today I am posting a Q&A blog, Amy and I asked questions some were our own and some were from others that sent them to me. We have had a great weekend so far taking a break from chemo and radiation has been nice and visiting with some friends and family has been amazing. Tomorrow is the beginning of another week of treatment, I am dreading it and I know Ryan is as well. 21 treatments to go.

Ryan's random interview by Amy:

1. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
2. Is cereal soup?
By definition, yes it is.  
3. How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
4. Would you rather have no nose, or no arms?
I would say no nose but a man made plug so I wouldn’t have a hole in my face.  It would be bad.
5. What is your spirit animal?
A sled pulling beast - huskie
6. Which sport do you think you will invent next?
A racket sport, you could do solo or teams, with a net and large walls.  Have to alternate playing over the net or the wall.  Would have lines on walls or ground that the ball has to be hit against 
7. Do you think cavemen had nightmares?  Yes, about predictors 

8. Who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman?
Superman, no contest
9. If animals could talk, which would be the most boring?
10. What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?
Samurai sword
11. Where did the name Pina Colada come from?
From some Hispanic dude

12. Which would you prefer to have as your room-mate? A goat or a bird?
A bird 
13. If you could be a fly on the wall, who would you want to listen in on?
2 places -  watching oprah in her show and then again when she is in her home with no cameras(just how she interacts with others) 
14. If you could be in any movie, what would it be?
5th element
15. If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be?
16. What is the worst/most annoying catchphrase?
The scream from the guy in the van on dumb and dumber 

17. What would you rather have; an arm that regenerates every month, or legs that grows back in every month?

18. What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
Little black ants because I was dared too

19. What is your favorite holiday?

20. Would you rather walk around with a salad for a head or broccoli for arms?
Broccoli for arms

21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

23. If you could take just one thing with you to a deserted island, what would you choose?
 A Knife

Questions from others :

1.What’s been the most unexpected symptom or side affect you’ve experienced pre or post surgery? 
A: Post was waking up in pain and having hands all over me from someone i didnt know and now knowing anything, where I was, how to talk, who was with me. It was awful.
2. What brings you the most comfort during the darkest days?
A: My darkest times is during the night when I cannot sleep and I just lay here the only comfort is thinking about going to sleep.
3. What is something that’s happened in the last few weeks that’s made you genuinely, full on laugh?
A: When I have spent time with friends and it feels like the good ole times.
4. What is the first thing you are excited to do when this is over, and you are genuinely feeling better?
A: I cannot even imagine that. I don't foresee that yet.
5.What are you looking forward to, even while still feeling crappy?
A: Moments with my family when there aren't weird strangers in my house. seeing my kids happy.
6. What helps you feel better? 
A: Visiting with my friends and the Xbox
7. How do you think others can help you in general? 
A: Donating to help with our bills, helping with our kids, food, positive energies our way?
8. What is your favorite memory? 
A:I have a lot so just to mention one: 
9. What are three things on your bucket list?
A: learn to weld, take dance lessons (I am shocked at this), learn another language.(Mind blown)
10. What activity do you miss the most? 
A: Normal life
11. What are you afraid of? 
A: Dying painfully
12. What is something you want your kids to always know about you?
A: That I love them each whole-heartedly and unconditionally.
13. What is something you want your wife to remember? 
A: That I love what a good person she is, how she serves us all and works to keep us happy and taken care of, That I am totally in love with her forever, she is my best good girl.
14. What is you best words of advice for anyone?
A: Live fully, laugh hard and let your loved ones know you love them often.
15. How would you describe your pain?
A: Like a scorpion stinging all the time. It never ends just ranges from mild to debilitating.
16. Are you depressed or hopeful or both?
A: Hopeful
17. What has been the most surprising part of this journey?
A: The magnitude of help and kindness we have received.
18. Anything you want to say to readers?
A: Thank you for the love and support.
19. What is the most frustrating thing you experience since surgery?
A: The confusion in the hospital, and the pain and lack of sleep and movement. It was terrible. Now its just the constant pain and memory failings.

A lot of these answers were surprising for me, I feel like I never really know what he is thinking or going to say, and it changes all the time. Thank you to those who submitted questions! He really rabbit-holed a few times and it took some work to bring him back. One constant he said was how much he loves his friends and family and that they really bring him the most joy. He is also aware of the generosity and kindness of others and we are both so grateful. Thank you. 


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