
Showing posts from March 17, 2021

Day Twenty-Seven

Well here I am again, sitting at my computer trying to find the words to convey what this day was like, I will do my best but to be honest I feel like I am falling, each day things come at me and I keep thinking one of these days I am going to hit the ground and shatter, but so far I'm just falling. To pick up where I left off; I gave Ryan his first dose of 160 mg of chemotherapy medication last night after he had taken his anti nausea med's. There are many things we were worried about, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, constipation to name a few. What we didn't consider was the sleeplessness, it was like he had insomnia. He just couldn't fall asleep, I tried reading to him, white noise, melatonin and nothing seemed to help. He just tossed and turned all night. He told me he dozed off and on for the whole night, so today he was beyond tired when it was time to head in for radiation treatment. While Ryan was getting his treatment, I worked on my phone to answer some emai