
Showing posts from March 8, 2021

Day Eighteen

 Today was a crazy day, for the last couple weeks we have had so much help with our kids, I wanted to see if I could take some things back on, running errands, kids to preschool and doing dance prep for competition this weekend. Ryan also had his nurse come by and his physical therapy- Now I didn't know PT was going to come and I may have kinda encouraged (strongly) that Ryan come with me for a nice long walk.. This wasn't my greatest idea and it really wiped him out and didn't help PT much either. oops.  Later I was watching my girls dance and I had another mom come up to me to offer her condolences and she shared a recent loss she experienced. Hearing her pain and sorrow hurt me at a new level, I just cried for her as she cried for me. This made me think a lot about how much others are going through in silence. I know my pain. I know my fear. I know my sorrow. I also know we need each other. We need others to hear us and feel for us, not to fix us. This sweet woman said &