Day Eighteen

 Today was a crazy day, for the last couple weeks we have had so much help with our kids, I wanted to see if I could take some things back on, running errands, kids to preschool and doing dance prep for competition this weekend. Ryan also had his nurse come by and his physical therapy- Now I didn't know PT was going to come and I may have kinda encouraged (strongly) that Ryan come with me for a nice long walk.. This wasn't my greatest idea and it really wiped him out and didn't help PT much either. oops. 

Later I was watching my girls dance and I had another mom come up to me to offer her condolences and she shared a recent loss she experienced. Hearing her pain and sorrow hurt me at a new level, I just cried for her as she cried for me. This made me think a lot about how much others are going through in silence. I know my pain. I know my fear. I know my sorrow. I also know we need each other. We need others to hear us and feel for us, not to fix us. This sweet woman said ' I know there are no words, but I am sorry' This statement was everything! Because there really isn't anything to say, but feeling for each other goes beyond words. She really impacted me today. Her strength was an amazing example to me, that I will never forget.

My kids are doing well. 

Bridger told me today that a kid at school was really supportive of our family and it made him feel good. I asked what he did that was supportive and he told me this boy said he wanted to shave his head like Bridger to support his Dad. I plan to reach out to this boys parents and thank them for raising a kind kid. (whether he shaves his head or not the thought counts)

Addison, Brooklyn and Ava are so happy with the gifts and notes that have been dropped off, today they all agreed that people out there love our family. I cannot complain with our kids feeling loved, and I am also so grateful.

Boston... He is just happy and I like that too

I feel like every day I learn something new or gain a new perspective in how I live my life. I have spent many years sweating the small stuff, worrying how others will feel if I make a decision different from theirs. All of this feels so silly and insignificant now. Each moment of each day we get is a gift and I plan to live it kinder, more patient, and more understanding knowing that everyone is dealing with something whether I know what it is or not. 


  1. This is Liz Griffiths- We do love you all and we can be wherever you need us πŸ’•

    1. Thank you Liz. And thank you so much for the care bears for my kids they love them so much. We are so grateful to have you and your family as friends.


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