Day Thirteen

 Day Thirteen- Life feels so strange. Ryan is doing so much better, his pain is getting less each day, he is wincing less with each movement, he is getting up more, laughing a bit and we even watched a movie together last night. It feels normal. But also not. I feels like all our happiness and good moments have a shadow over them. how long do we get these moments? Once someone gives you a limit of time or an expiration date everything changes. 

My life and every moment now has a different perspective. I appreciate all the little things more than ever such as:

Every wink from Ryan, Each time he reaches for my hand, pulls me in for a hug, cups my face, when he rubs my back, tells me he loves me, teases me, Smiles, laughs, hugs each child, pets the dogs, Sounds he makes when he eats (ones I used to hate), Soft snores, just the sound of him breathing, and so much more.

I have been told for so many years 'you never know how much time you get' oh how true that is. Also so depressing. I try to find the good in life even though it is hard, I am so grateful for some time. We had our meeting with the Oncologist and since then, we have worried that we wouldn't be able to have time to make memories, time to just be with each other outside of the agony that is awaiting us. I guess I will have to become more creative.  Ryan is still living, we still have time. I need to find a way to push that cloud away, to stop that shadow that seems to linger over out happiness. Just a day at a time. 

Last night Brooklyn came in to read to Ryan, she was worried she wasn't going to read him something he would like to hear, I loved seeing my loving husband soothe her and tell her anything she read he would love. He just wanted to hear her voice. My heart just about exploded seeing his love for her. 

2020 was a hard year, 2021 is worse for us, but I have been so overwhelmed by the kindness of those we know and those we don't. I hope to be better, I hope to be able to show love and kindness to others. Everyone has something going on. So lets just be Kind. Ryan used to tease me when we would be driving and someone would cut us off and I always just make up an excuse for them like "Maybe they just got a call from the hospital" "Maybe its an emergency" "Maybe its just a bad day", he would shake his head and say "probably not but I guess maybe". Everyone could use a break. I know I will never be the same after this, I just hope I end up better.


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