Day Twenty-Eight

Have you ever looked at your life and thought 'man I want to just fast forward this whole chapter?' 

Last night I was able to give Ryan some great medication and he was able to sleep well all night. I woke up early to go walking with a friend and it was great, I thought YEAH i got this day! How dare I think that! How dare I assume I could handle all things easily! 

I took Ryan to radiation and it has kicked his butt today, he has been feeling terrible ever sense, and has been just laying in bed all day. 

I on the other hand found that we have a mouse in our storage room and has eaten holes in my food storage, so I went about taking everything out so I could clean it up and put all my flour, cake mixes, cereal, fruit snacks and other things in bins. Lucky for me though my parents swooped in to help! The mess was outrageous, and it took hours and hours to put back together. During all of this fun I pulled a muscle in my back and now I get to add my own pain to the mix. Not shocking any more is it? Just ridiculous

Kids are eating dinner and then I will work on bedtime and hopefully get a soak in, but I wont bet on it. So back to my first statement. Where is the FF button? I have had times in my life I wanted to pause and just soak the goodness in, so i suppose its just normal to have this? 

I am going to be done with this post for today, I just don't have anything left to give. 


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